My Story

My old parish in Korea

Hello! Thank you for looking to my webpage. My name is Father "Jason" Kwan Choi. I am of Korean descent but even at a very young age I heard the calling. The calling of Jesus Christ. And his disciples. Since that time I became an ordained Christian Minister so that I can spread the word of God high and low and also in the valleys. I was very successful in my home country but I knew that the Lord had bigger challenges in store for me.

With that in mind I moved to Beaumont, Texas- a small American town in the United States- and took over at the Grace Community Church from Father Dunning, my retiring mentor. The only problem? My Asian persuasion was a great shock to the small rural community, many of whom had never seen a "Chinaman" before. The parishoners and townspeople shouted epithets and curses at me and gave me the nickname "Gook Preacher." Many of them refuse to come to my services and several converted to Judaism just to avoid my Oriental tendencies tainting the word of the Lord.

Even though I done my best to "Americanize" myself I must fight for acceptance on a daily basis. This blog is the chronicle of my adventures- my victories and my devastating failures- and surely I will never give up fighting, for I have God on my side, and a wonderful recipe for eggrolls.

- Jason Choi
Gook Preacher  

My new parish

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