Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hypocrites Go Home (Sermon)

"Vote for me and I will give you magic powers! I will put a rainbow on your ice cream sundae! If I am elected America will become fantastic again!"

"Who said that? No one most likely. That talk is crazy talk. Do you know what other talk is crazy talk? Jesus talk. Is crazy talk. At least the Pharisees thought so. The Pharisees were confused Jews who wanted to challenge Jesus' teachings and live an immoral life. Jesus say to them: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess." He was furious. What did Jesus mean by this? Well he called them hypocrites because they presented an upstanding image to the world but behind the scenes they were corrupt and twisted. This remind me of some of our politicians today!

"How dare you"

Perhaps politicians are modern-day Pharisees... they ask you to believe they are moral but inside they are concerned with their own selfish agenda. This year is a election year. And we have all the candidates shouting empty promises to try and get your vote. They promise you pinball machines and five-dollar bills... they guarantee happiness and fresh vegetables and haircuts for your grandparents. Do these things really come to fruition? I never seen it.

Jesus say of the Pharisees "they preach, but do not practice." How many politicians are guilty of the same charge? For many young people, this is their first election. They are not sure what to do or who to vote for... they have been told that this election will decide the future, yes? I disagree. Your faith in God will decide your future, and politicians will continue shouting hollow promises and telling lies. Political parties and Presidents change... but God's love always shines through.

So you can be like Jesus and look at the candidates just like he look at the Pharisees. You can see through their shiny exterior and look at the real person underneath.  And you can cast your vote for God, because he has no term limits. Let us pray..."

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